Hi Everybody!

Santri Mengglobal will organize the 4 days summit for Muslim leader in Istanbul Turkey, entitled ‘Muslim Youth Leader Summit 2021’. This four-days Muslim Youth Leader summit will bring together young Muslim leaders from all over the world. Participants will take part in capacity building, paper presentation and skills training, and be made aware of social issues through talks and workshops. موقع الخيل This is to equip them to be effective project leaders to address important development issues in their community. لعبة سباق الخيل Components of this Muslim Youth Leader summit are as follows:

• Project planning and management skills training: this includes capacity building workshops on project development and management, analysis training, and use of evaluation tools. Participants will also be asked to pitch their project idea. موقع المراهنات
• Focus-group discussion: This will be done through group discussion that push participants to reflect on their own strengths and areas of improvement, and practice empathy to be a good leader.
• World-caffe presentation: Participants will be given opportunities to share their insights from their own leadership experiences, cultures and countries via poster presentation, so that the other delegates will be able to listen and learn from each other with their different perspectives
• Cultural Exploration: Delegates will be given opportunities to visit some cultural-site and places to gain in-depth understanding of the countries and communities they visit

For more information: please download the overview of program here!
See you in Turkey!

Santri Mengglobal

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