Parents and the Muslim community play an important role in strengthening religious literacy and understanding for Gen Z in the UK

Santri Mengglobal, Birmingham – A research team from UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and PTIQ Jakarta University continues their data collection activities related to the research titled “Religious Literacy and the Narratives of Religiosity of Gen-Z Muslims in Indonesia and the United Kingdom” by conducting several interviews with both Muslim Read more…

UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and PTIQ Jakarta University’s Collaborative Research Initiative Explores Global Research Partnerships in the United Kingdom

Santri Mengglobal, South Wales – The Research Team from UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and PTIQ Jakarta University collaborated to conduct research in both Indonesia and the UK in an effort to better understand religious literacy and the narratives of religiosity among Generation Z Muslims in both countries. The study, Read more…

Santri Mengglobal Gandeng SMA Hayatan Thayyibah Sukabumi Go International

Malaysia, Santri Mengglobal – Santri Mengglobal memfasilitasi SMA Pesantren Terpadu Hayatan Thayyibah untuk menjalin relasi di kancah international pada tanggal 28 November sampai 03 Desember 2023. Program yang diberi nama International Comparative Study (ICS) ini diselenggarakan di tiga negara; Singapura, Malaysia, dan Thailand. Program ini diikuti oleh 43 peserta, yang Read more…